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About me

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My first real encounter with the camera was through the underwater world. I am a lover of the ocean and have been diving since 2005. The contagious magical experience of diving very soon  blossomed in me the desire to share that exquisite world with others.

Thus, I purchased my first underwater camera. 

Slowly I became totally captivated and in love. Diving and the camera became inseparable.

Almost monthly I found myself travelling to Eilat to dive and photograph. It sent me to distant places of the Globe, first to Jordan then on to exotic islands, the Maldives, the Philippines and Palau.

The drive for even more beautiful pictures led me to an underwater photography course in Eilat.

 Only then did I realize the true potential that underwater photography held for me. Today every dive for me is a journey and search for the  perfect picture, whether a macro of the tiniest  sea creatures or a giant through a wide lens.

Now I was totally hooked on all types of photography!,I started photographing with a  DSRL Canon 60D , and took a comprehensive course at the Galitz School of Photography. I am still learning and broadening my sites all the time!

Through this website I share my love of the world as seen through the prism of the lens. These are some of my favourite pictures. I hope you'll enjoy surfing them!

Let's work together

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A little bit about the website...

I set up this the website to concentrate all my works, so that people could see them in one place ..

At first I put only all my photos of the better, but slowly when the increased amount of animals and creatures,

I decided to concentrate most of my photographs, not even the most successful, and make a mini-ID identification, for all the creatures and animals,

Of course I'm not perfect .. and could be a mistake in one of my ID, I will be happy if you correct me!

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